Applied Equine Podiatry Level 1 23-27 April Köping

11 februari, 2022

This 5-day Holistic Hoof trimming course is presented by the Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry and is taught by Master Applied Equine Podiatrist KC La Pierre, MAEP, RJF, CF, Co-founder of IAEP. The HPT Method was introduced in 1999 and has been taught the world over with great success. In this course you will increase your understanding of hoof anatomy and hoof function, through dissection. This will be the most in-depth functional anatomy dissection you will ever see. The importance of hoof to foot balance is taught and how to achieve it. You will walk away from this course with a stronger understanding of how a healthy hoof is defined. This course is taught in a relaxed and fun environment.

Reserve your spot today!  Cost: $1100

Vi arrangerar en 5-dagars kurs inom Applied Equine Podiatry (High Performance Trim) med internationellt kända hovslagaren KC La Pierre

Från Kursen 2021 Skåne

Kursen hålls på engelska

Kursupplägg i korthet:
Day 1: Lecture on Theory, Anatomy, and Function of the horse’s foot
Day 2: Continued lecture on Theory, Anatomy, and Function of the horse’s foot
Day 3: KC demonstration of dissection/HPT Method/Spectrum Evaluation
Day 4: Tool use, Student trimming on cadavers/dissection
Day 5: Horse Handling and Trimming on live horses

Här kan du läsa mer om kursens upplägg: (läs under 5-day comprehensive practical course)

Anmälan sker genom KC La Pierres egen hemsida här: Calendar – Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry
Anmälningsavgift: 150$
Resterande avgift: 950$

Totalt 1100$ 

Kursplats: Girsta 1, 73193 Köping

Boende finns på Tängsta Gård ca 8 min från Kursplats. Kontakta Linda för att boka boende på


Kontakt; Ulrika Söderberg 073-3166325
Linda Preinfalk Berggren 070-7503720
eller direkt till Robyn La Pierre:

Telefontider: Må–On 09.00–10:30
EquiKraft AB
Ulrika Söderberg
Aspa 166
711 93 Lindesberg
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